Babysitting Nightmare : Uncut Version

Disclaimer : The fact that i will point things of what's wrong with the video and i'm trying to come up with something new, so just give me some pointers and dont judge me for using a Kelli Maple video as an example, Thank You and enjoy the story!
Has anyone heard of the Kelli Maple video "Babysitting Nightmares"? It handles Child Abuse, SBS, and dark concepts poorly? Well it went viral, kinda....
Caitlyn is able to stay alive after being flipped, shaken and hit with objects, but it was revealed to all be a dream.
Their was a uncut version deep into Kelli's Files on her Ipad, where it wasnt all a dream, but reality, Caitlyn died at the hospital, Emma is niw depressed and becomes Emily and The Babysitter is now inprisoned.
It began with The Babysitter Picking up Emma, Autum, Kaylee and Marllory from school until she slammed them on the stroller and Mallory fell out and cried, the babysitter said "SHUT UP!! IM GONNA SMASH YOUR FACE ON THE COT IF YOU DONT SHUT UP YOUR SCREAMING NOISE!!!" In a British Accent, it was from a PSA from the UK, when it came to the part when she rips Emma's costume and crown and stomped on them, Emma cried like Alex and The babysitter shoved Kaylee on Emma, Mallory and Autum, when it went into the bedroom, the babysitter threw the wrong coloring books at the children and the children were forced to wear pacifer gags like ABDL people, then Emma said "THEIR THE WRONG ONES!!" She got their intrests right, Emma said "WHERE ARE THE CRAYONS?!" The babysitter said "Tough, you should've before being annoying!" Then she threw rattles at Caitlyn, She cried and was shaked her to death, then threw her out of the bouncer and Caitlyn reminded silent, When Kelli came home, Emma sounded like Alexandra, when she checked on Caitlyn, she wasnt bleeding on the head, it was everywhere and she had a fractured skull, when they went to the hospital Caitlyn was prounced dead, then the final Act showed Kelli Maple crying on the floor and lying there. The video ended and it didnt show the "It was all a dream" sequence, it was originally uploaded to YouTube but then it taken down by the Youtube Community Guideline services for Abusive Content. It was changed to be lighter hearted for various reasons, the original video was never seen again.
Fun Fact : I hate Kelli Maple and the video but i hope this made your day!
Youtube : The Mchenry Family Offical